Monday, September 30, 2019

Checking in

It's been a while since I did a blog post. 
I figured since I was in a writing mood I would. 
Big things are happening in my life right now. 
Let's see you know I got married. Which everyone keeps asking me how married life is. 
It's great! 

We are heading to Ireland for our honeymoon in 27 days. 
I am so freaking exited! Going to Ireland has always been a dream of mine. And my awesome husband is making it happen. He is cool that way. 

My goal at the end of this year is to have my book polished to get sent out again to be published. I have been working with an awesome lady who has been helping me achieve my goals. 
Its coming along great!
My story is growing in a way I knew it could just couldn't get the right flow. She helped a lot with that!

And the most important life changing news I have to share is... I am pregnant!

Holy crow it is still very weird for me to say those words lol
I am about 12 weeks. 
and let me tell you what... Pregnancy so far... is not beautiful and not fun. 

Right now food is gross and everything smells terrible. 
Living in a house with three cats and two dogs is making that smell thing a tad difficult to deal with. 
p.s dont worry Chris has taken on litter box duty for me. 
One perk of all this nonsense so far lol

Kids was something I never thought I would have. 
I remember when I was a kid I thought I would want them some day. But then there was a summer when I was about 14 when my brother had this girlfriend that had five kids along with his two kids... and guess who got to watch them on occasion. Me. 
The five kids were great. Dont get me wrong... But it was a lot. 

That was just the start of me not wanting kids. It became more of a thing when I was in a serious relationship that was going no where. 
I knew I didn't want to have kids with him. I guess at the time I just thought it was me. 
But I think in the back of my mind I knew I would end up doing it all. And that was not ok with me. 

But when I met Chris and how he showed me everyday that we are a team and we work together, made me think that maybe it wouldn't be so bad. 

Besides he makes all my dreams come true... I wasn't about to be the girl who wouldn't let his come true. 

So after talking about it a lot we decided we were going to try to have a family. 
I honestly didn't think it would happen this fast... but guess that was the universe saying "Yep its about damn time" 

I am due April 8th
and we will be finding out the gender hopefully on October 22nd. 

I am excited...but mostly terrified! 

Well that is all I really have to report (but I think that is a lot of news in one post!)
I now have to get ready to take on this stupid week at work and deal with all the nonsense that causes me daily stress. 

But... October is a magically month so looking forward to that!

Hope everyone is doing great!


Relatable Entertainment

It’s late and I can’t sleep again. Mostly because on nights like this, nights before I make a video the creative side of my brain is on fire...