Friday, January 24, 2020


Good morning everyone, and Happy Friday!

I decided to make some time this morning to make a post.

It's about one of those things that everyone asks but I never really tell the full story.

How I came up with the name Alice.

If you didn't know that is what I am naming our daughter.

Recently I started expressing that I have a slight obsession with Alice in wonderland. But I think only a few people actually know where that obsession comes from.

I have always liked the weird-ness of Alice and the idea of Wonderland sounds well wonderful. But it wasn't until I received an Alice in Wonderland doll after my sister passed away that I really felt something for the story.

My oldest sister had a doll collection. Honestly I had no idea until the day of her memorial service when they were given to me.

I guess whenever my dad would go someplace new he would get her a doll. There was no rhyme or reason for these dolls. They were all different types. Some of them were more elegant and kept in nice boxes, others were small and honestly...out right creepy looking. Ha-ha. I looked over these dolls and honestly I wasnt sure what I was going to do with them. They didn't really mean much to me. It wasn't a memory I shared with my sister and I think when they decided to give me the dolls it was just a nice gesture. Not something my sister decided before she passed.

I went through the boxes of dolls and tried to like them. I pulled out a few here and there and set them outside of the box so they could be seen and remind me that...well if my sister wasnt watching someone one was... haha.

But there was one doll the only doll I really felt a connection with and it was...if you guessed Alice in Wonderland you are right.

Her box was damaged but she was still in decent condition....compared to a lot of the other ones.
Some day if I find someone that does it I might get her restored but honestly her creepy vibe she has brings a weird smile on my face.

Wonderland is a little creepy so it fits.

This is the only doll I kept. I have other trinkets and what not that I feel a connection with my sister. A box full of dolls in my closet that would just get moved to one place to the next was not one of them.

So because of this doll I guess I added Alice in Wonderland to my list of likes. And because of that my friend introduced me to a Syfy original mini series "Alice"

This interpretation of Alice is by far my favorite. Alice wasn't blond this time and the mad Hatter was well... very attractive in a nerdy way haha. and of course.... he wore hats so we all know that's one of my favorite things.

Somehow this became something my husband and I bonded about when we first started talking. It is hard to find someone who has seen that specific movie so I was excited to know he knew what I was talking about.

This movie became the theme of our engagement photos and the theme for our wedding.

And the reason it became our daughters name is because well... it came to me in a dream...HAHA. When I started to really consider becoming a mom I had a dream about having three kids. The oldest, was a girl and her name was Alice.

I don't know if that little girl in my dream is actually my daughter or if it was something I conjured up somehow. But it just made sense that would be her name.

So in my own way its a way of honoring my sister because with out her...with out the doll... who knows if I would have gone down this rabbit hole.

I hoped you enjoyed my story :)

Have a wonderful day and a great weekend when it comes.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Good morning strangers and friends.

Today is my last day of my 20's. People have told me for years that this day will be coming and I will be depressed about turning 30....

I dont feel depressed at all....

It might have something to do with the fact that my life has been pretty epic recently. But I also would like to think that 30 is when you start to feel like an adult? haha.

Its also my last birthday with out having a kid to worry about... well sort of. I still have to worry about her but at least I know where she is at all times...hehe.

It's the beginning of the year and I have been working on trying to figure out my goals in life.

One of them is to have a successful facebook page and blog. I started out hot not to long ago but it sort of died down because like usual I get discouraged.

I am trying to work on that giving up feeling I get all the time. So that's why I am working on my blog this morning. I dont really have anything interesting to say other than I am turning 30 years old tomorrow.

But one of my goals is to put a blog up weekly. So sometimes it might sound like jibber jabber other times it might sound like my best work. But either way... you are going to come along for the ride!

I have lots of new goals I would like to accomplish and lots of old ones I need to pick back up again. As I have learned during my extensive research (basically all things Rachel Hollis lol) I need to focus on one thing, make that a habit to where it just happens instead of forcing myself to do. Then move on to the next thing.

Instead of doing what I always do and try to do all the things and then drop all the things.

I also have a lot to think about with the baby coming in 83 days. But one of my goals is to not let having kids stop me from being my best self.

All I hear are stories of parents being to tired to do anything in their lives once a baby comes. But I am going to do my best to still do the things I love even if I am tired.

Some random updates for you before I end this random blog post...

The animals are doing fine... ish...currently battling a flea problem so that has been...annoying.

Last night I had to shave Bruce's back side and butt area... Ahhh the problems of being a fur mom with a fat cat lol. Sometimes he gets too matted near his butt and its easier to shave it off then it is to brush it. So Bruce rocks a bad mom hair cut for a few weeks but he is also a tad happier and less murdery when I do this.

The house has been rearranged here and there and Gracie doesn't know what to do with herself.

Eviee can adapt to anything zero cares for that cat lol.

Soon we are going to get rid of Crowley's crate.... with hopes he wont destroy our house. Simply for the fact... the stupid cage is huge and it takes up a lot of space. Space that I need for other things.

Speaking of space... while my husband rearranged the entire living room I couldn't understand why he was doing it... so he informed me that when we get rid of the cage we will have a spot for a cabinet I made a few years ago that I was sad to put away in storage.

Seriously. I have the best husband in the whole world.

Well on that note I think I have bored you enough with my rambles for the day. I now have to get ready for the evil job thing that I am forced to do.

Have a great and random day everyone!!!

Relatable Entertainment

It’s late and I can’t sleep again. Mostly because on nights like this, nights before I make a video the creative side of my brain is on fire...