Saturday, June 29, 2019

Mini Reed adventure!

Today my lovely Fiance got out of work earlier than normal. So, we decided to go on an adventure. I found a park on Pinterest. 
Since I live in Florida it was only an hour drive… we had to check it out. 
I like hiking trails. I'm not like a hardcore hiker or anything just like walking and if there is pretty scenery then it's a win win. 

I guess I should have done a little more research before heading out to the Ocala National Forest and I should have know it would cost money money. So I am telling you now…
It cost money to get in. Its 5.50 per person for day use. 
And it was starting to rain when we got there…
Spur of the moment doesn't work for me I guess….
So we wandered around and it's a neat little place. I'm not totally convinced it's not Bigfoot territory… a lot of trails were closed… could be because of the rain washing out a lot of trails… could be crime scenes. We didn't have our Bigfoot hunting gear so we didn't venture off the path… stay on the path you will be safe!
Me being the weirdo I am I found a lot of things that I consider creepy…
This was what I was calling the troll bridge. If you want to know the real history you will have to go check it out…
Here is a side view of the troll bridge. You can also see the sign where it has some of the history. This park had lots of signs like that. So if you are a history buff you might enjoy some Florida history. 

More of the troll bridge…. Yeah I already admitted that I was a weirdo.

lots of these kind of trails. We had a little map that helped us find what I was looking for…
Yes we had a destination for this little spur of the moment trip…
The Fern Hammock springs.
I couldn't believe how blue it was!
I feel like this is the biggest "don't drink the water" statement...

It was a good little adventure. Was it worth the hour drive? for us? not really. But for someone who likes camping and swimming I recommend this place. 

 We probably would have stayed longer to explore but it looked like it was about to down pour any minute... and this was from the car as we left HA-HA

Check my facebook page for videos!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Taking over the world!...Social media style

Good morning! 

I have been working hard on getting my Facebook page out into the world. Along with now instagram page 

I will tell you what... there is a lot to all of this that I am still learning. But it's been fun so far!

I am still working out the kinks in blogger. Apparently its stuck on only letting people who have a blogger account comment. 

This is a learning curve and thank the internet gods for google!

I wanted to share somethings that I learned so far. In no particular order....

1.) Who you follow is important. 
             Let me explain this little thought.... see I keep my personal facebook page pretty low key. I don't have a lot of random people I dont really know or people from school I didn't like. The people on my page are my friends or people I care about...HOWEVER it is difficult to get the word out this way. Thankfully I have some pretty cool friends who have invited their friends to like my page. 

I also have found a bunch of groups that are similar to what I am trying to do. So I follow them and they follow me. and bonus... Now my newsfeed is covered with dog pictures... its so refreshing to see that instead of nonsense. So even if you are not starting up a facebook page or taking over social media I highly recommend that you follow more positive groups. You will feel better. I promise. 

2.) SO MANY BUTTONS. I am still trying to figure them all out. Somehow I have managed to find certain buttons for certain things one three different apps. all for Facebook... Its sort of exhausting and I think that maybe its just me but its been a challenge. Let me give you an example... I was trying to share a story on my @HappyhoundsCrazyCats Facebook page and its not as obvious as it is on my personal page. So I went digging. After arguing with myself trying to decide if this is even possible (It is) I finally found it... But not on my normal facebook app. I had to download a page manager app that is connected to facebook. From there I am able to share the story. Of course it took me a half hour to find this so by the time I did I forgot what I wanted to share. 

3.) Trying to tell someone how to do something from their phone isnt easy.... I have a friend that is helping me get the word out. She is the type of person that has 9,000 friends (maybe I am exaggerating?) She uses an Iphone I rock the Android. As most of us know... these two creatures are similar but very different. So when I am trying to tell her where to go and what to do she is not able to find the thing I am talking about. 

Google has always been and will always be my best friend. 

I am also a firm believer of push buttons until you get the results that you want... This only works if you know how to fix the mistake you made... I don't recommend this to all. 

4.) It s time consuming. I am trying to set aside time in the mornings when I am alone to try to get everything out and ready to view. Since I have a full time job I am not able to do it at random. But the problem with that is when I am posting things... most people aren't awake yet... so by noon my phone is blowing up with likes comments and reactions. 
Which is great! 
But going back to that three different app thing.. I need to learn a better way to respond. So far my best bet is using my computer.... Problem with that I can only have that home with the wifi. 

and last for now

5.) I am learning to push through my own insecurities. Last night I caught myself in a negative thoughts... I started thinking why am I doing this? So many people have this idea already. What makes me think that I am going to get anywhere? I don't know. BUT I am having fun and I think that my animals wont let me down! So if something I post does go viral that would be great. But its also cool to meet some interesting people along the way. 

So keep hanging out with me. Keep commenting on my pictures on facebook...


And we shall see where this road takes us! 

Relatable Entertainment

It’s late and I can’t sleep again. Mostly because on nights like this, nights before I make a video the creative side of my brain is on fire...