Saturday, March 6, 2021

"I dont need an inspirational quote, I need coffee"

 I have a magnet on my fridge that says "I dont need an inspirational quote. I need coffee"

And as I sit here and try to convince myself that I havent failed yet. I decided I needed a cup of coffee. Its 5:00 and this I guess would be the time that someone would start drinking something a little stronger than coffee. However. If I start drinking the harder stuff...I might not stop.

So while I feed my daughter some chicken nuggets and I drink my early evening coffee I figured I would come on here and dump my thoughts out. 

Because thats what a blog is for right? to get rid of the thoughts that blog your mind...oh wait thats clog. hmm... 

I have been going round and round in my mind with all the nonsense of the Youtube world.

Its hard. I am only a month in and its hard. 

I know that is a silly thing for me to say to...well literally one person but it is. I can never get traction on these things. I have tried. But I also give up pretty quick. 

I am making a promise to myself that as long as I am having fun sharing my videos with my friends I will continue to do it. 

Because if you go in the mindset of getting rich, its not going to happen. 

I dont want to get rich... I mean... of course I want to get rich but that isnt my goal. 

My to have a community. Someone that maybe looks up to me like I do with so many youtubers. 

Here is a fun fact that no one really knows. 

Charles Trippy, and even his sister Mel Trippy got me through my break up. (I am talking years ago before I met my husband...My husband and I are fine lol)

It started with Charles and his divorce. When he moved on and found his better person. It was eye opening to me. These are real people with real problems. Not just a script written for some actors. 

Then Mel went through her break up and she really opened my eyes. That even if you think your love is enough to change someone...its not. 

I am not saying because of these people I ended a relationship. I am saying that they helped me deal with the feelings I already had. 

So I would like to share some insight to someone. Maybe someone will watch my video and realize that dreams can come true. 

I am still working on that whole thing but I really hope this dream comes true. 

I saw on a movie (Cant remember what movie) But the little girl wishes on a star. But her dad said the star will only take you so far, you have to do the rest. 

or something like that. 

So I wish that I will be a successful YouTuber... but I am also going to put in the work. 

Someday a person who is just starting their journey will be talking about me in their blog and how I inspired them...

Well it sounds nice anyways lol

Doing these videos is pushing me to do something with my life. 

I also think a video I did kind of put me in a dumpy mood. 

I mean I am always in a dumpy mood but this time it really struck me hard. 

I tried doing an unboxing video on my new bed. 

It wasn't flattering and I didnt post it. I hate that I feel that way and no one in the comment section can be meaner than I am to myself but I am just not that brave yet. 

Of course the weather is crummy and my brain is like "we will start walking" and mother nature is like..."ya gonna do it in the rain?" 

I dont usually drink coffee this late anymore. It doesnt usually bother me but lately if I have two cups I get jittery. 

But since it has been several hours and I thought I was going to fall asleep I decided I needed some coffee...and maybe a little inspiration. 

SO blog world. If anyone is out there. Give me some sort of hope that this is going to work out. 

I hope you have a random day and go check out my videos lol

I also created a website..ha! go check that out if you want

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Honest Review of Hello Fresh

 Hello Blog world 

I am trying to get some of my videos promoted so I am posting in multiple platforms. Pinterest being one of them. So If you see these after the videos... That's what I am doing. 

So this is the written version of my hello fresh review. 

The world has a box subscription for just about everything now. If you can think it...chances are there's a box for that. 

The idea of having food sent to me is amazing. I hate going to the store. I get overwhelmed easily and end up forgetting things or getting the wrong items. 

I want to cook more, I want to try new foods. So the best way to do this...

Meal subscription boxes. 

*Enter Hello Fresh* 

I have had other box meal things before but I don't think I have tried hello fresh but that's the one I hear about the most. 

I found a promo code and tried it. 

Here are some Pros and Cons of Hello Fresh and what I thought of it. 

To view this video go on over to Random Reeds on YouTube (Or just click the link below) Or read on!


* Dont need to shop for random things. 

    I love trying new foods but I have so many recipes that I never try mostly because I cant find the ingredient or I have no idea what it is. And if I do find it, you have to buy a bunch of it and chances are you might not use it again soon or it might not be something you enjoyed so now you have a whole jar of this random ingredient that takes up space in your pantry until you clean it out and its four months expired. 

With Hello Fresh you are given the ingredients you need in the exact measurements (for the most part). You are not wasting a whole jar of a certain sauce but you also get to try it. That sounds like a win to me. 

* You don't forget random things

    By the time I get through the store and I realized I forgot something...I rarely go back. 

So then basically I wasted time and I don't have all the ingredients to make the recipe. With Hello Fresh, they give you everything you need (except things like oil and salt but they warn you that you will need those before your shipment comes) 

* Easy instructions:

    I get overwhelmed when the instructions are all just clumped together in one long paragraph. I end up mixing steps up or skipping steps. With Hello Fresh the recipe cards are easy to read and are step by step. 

*Skip weeks. 

    Because it is expensive you can skip weeks when you need a break. So instead of canceling all together you just skip a few weeks until you want the box. 


    Now not only can you get three yummy meals to try you can get extra meats, or even some extra meals. 


    Hello fresh has given me the confidence to cook more. I am not the best cook but I am getting better because of Hello Fresh. I am learning new things in the kitchen and cooking has been....dare I say!

I found myself grocery shopping the other day and I was going to get instant mashed potatoes and I laughed and thought to myself "Hey I actually know how to do real mashed potatoes now and they are pretty darn good!" (the secret is sour cream instead of milk) 

It was a great feeling. 

However....I do have some complaints. 



Its expensive. When they break it down to "9.00 dollars a plate" it sounds reasonable but, the portions are small so you dont have any left over usually. In my opinion its not cost effective. So if you do try Hello Fresh I recommend you finding a promo this one. Yes I do get perks if you use this code :)

*Small portions

    Most of the meals left you hungry after. However...I guess a positive to that is more room for dessert! 


    sometimes the measurements were vague and I didn't care for that too much "A drizzle of oil, Pinch of salt, well salted..." 

I prefer better measurements. 

I am keeping the subscription but skipping a few weeks because like I said overall I did enjoy making these meals and I love trying new things!

I hope you enjoy my review. Please do me a favor and check out my YouTube! Go subscribe because I am going to do more subscription boxes and you don't want to miss anything! 

Have a Random Day!

Advice I wish I taken: Mom Tips part One

 Good morning Blog world. 

First I want to say that any of the links that I share do earn from qualifying purchases (which means that if you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission)

Now on to the post

I did a video on Mom tips which I will post below but I also wanted to come on here and ramble about the same thing in case you missed the video!

Or maybe you like reading instead. EITHER WAY. the information is here if you would like to consume it. 

I want to say, I am not a mom expert by any means. As soon as I figure something out my darling daughter throws a curve ball at me. Its been an interesting adventure. 

But I think some of the things I have learned are worth sharing.

So this is going to be broken up into sections. Again if you would just rather watch the video click on the link below and make sure you subscribe for more Random Tips!

*Advice I wish I would have listened to*

Once you are pregnant everyone in the world will have advice to give you. Most of it is very unwanted and rarely asked for. But occasionally, rarely someone will actually give you good advice. Of course some of those things I didn't listen to until after but I am going to share some of the advice I wish I listened to. 

 1.) Don't worry about the nursery. 

This is one I really wish I listened to because I honestly lost sleep over the dumb room and to be honest, I didn't end up using it as much as I thought I would have. You see all these famous people doing nursery room makeovers and you just get inspired and you want it to be as awesome as theirs but... of course you don't have the budget to really achieve what they are doing. And sometimes they actually just have professionals helping them so its unrealistic to expect you are going to achieve the same thing. 

Also as much as I love pinterest it led me down a rabbit hole that just ended up making me depressed. 

My advice, in addition to the advice I didn't take is, just make the nursery usable. We had it set up one way but once the baby actually got here we found that it wasn't user friendly so we ended up changing most of it anyways. We also had our nursery set up more for the family members who were babysitting. It wasn't exactly baby safe but since our move we have changed it up a lot. 

2.) Your baby will reach the Milestones. 

This is a hard one to take in. Especially for someone like me who doesn't take criticism well. And this is one of the reason I stopped doing the app or reading the books on what your baby should be doing at a certain age. 

Alice was about 4 months old I think and we took her to the doctors, which is incredibly stressful for new mothers anyways. The doctor she had (which she no longer sees) had me in tears. She asked if she was doing all these things which she was doing most of them or trying to do most of them. One of which was "Is your baby rolling over" Well she hadn't actually rolled over yet by herself so I answered her honestly telling her "no not yet" Which she started clicking her tongue and telling me she is behind and we need to work on that. 

Do you know what that statement did to me? As a new mom who is already a basket case 99% of the time, now you are telling me my baby is behind? I started crying which the doctor just ignored and started comparing my baby to her new baby. It was terrible. I told my niece who was helping me baby sit her at the time that we needed to work on her rolling over. We had a plan and we were going to do all the things. Literally the next day without any help or even trying to get her to do it, Alice rolled over by herself. 

Moral of the story, she will figure it out. I am not saying don't work with your baby and try to reach the milestones, but if your baby is "a little behind" don't stress about it. Because everyone learns at their own pace. 

3.) Don't Compare your baby to others!

Why? Because again your baby might learn things at a different pace. Doesn't mean its wrong its just fact. People learn at different paces. Babies are people... get what I am saying? 

Its going to drive you insane if you try to keep up with your friends baby that might be around the same age. So just don't do it. 

I was going to go into the rest of the things I talked about in my video but I will leave it here and do this in multiple blog posts. 

So again if you havent checked out Random Reeds on YouTube, GO DO IT! 

Did you get any advice while you were pregnant that you should have listened to? If so let me know in the comments below! 

Have a Random Day everyone! 

Relatable Entertainment

It’s late and I can’t sleep again. Mostly because on nights like this, nights before I make a video the creative side of my brain is on fire...