Friday, May 24, 2019


Good morning! 

As part of my adventure for new habits and goals I have been waking up early. 
Like...4:30 early. I don't usually roll out of bed until about 5:30 but its been an interesting little experiment. 

My fiance started a job where he has to wake up stupid early so we have been going to bed early. I figured why not...

Why not? Because Casey doesn't usually like mornings... 
But I have been getting better. 

So the reason we are here this morning is to continue on the introductions to my lovely fur kids. 
I am doing this by order I adopted them. 

Next up is Gracie! 

Adoption date: April 27, 2012

She is hard to get cute pictures of because she is the very definition of a scaredy cat 
When she isn't hiding or being scared of literally everything she is...well usually she is drooling...

I didn't know cats drooled (I mean i guess I should have known that my dogs have been saying it for years...Cats drool dogs rule...haha...its 5:44 people these are the jokes)

Gracie was actually from a liter of kittens my moms cat had. Zoey Or Princess Zowelda. 
That cat hated me...she was originally my cat but...she liked mom better...BUT ANYWAYS. 

I had no intentions of getting a cat. At the time I already had Bruce and my old dog Ghia. I didnt really need another animal and I was told I couldn't have another animal. (Old relationship)

I don't think of myself as a selfish person...however...I don't like being told I cant do something especially when I am not given a good reason...

Every time I would visit my mom she would tell me "your kitten is looking for you" Of course she wanted me to take the cat because she needed to get rid of the kittens. 

But I would go see the kittens because...well they are cute duh. And Gracie would always come out from whatever she was doing to come greet me. She has her own special Gracie yell where its like a meow but she makes it longer and louder. I hope to get it on video for you one day...

 I tried to convince myself that she did that to everyone that walked in but my mom said, "Nope just when you walk in" 

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So... I took her home. Well... that is actually a funny story too. See my friend also took one of the kittens as well, her name is Maggie (The cat not the friend haha) The day we went to pick them up we couldn't find the kittens. 
just the two we were looking for. The other ones were hanging out like no big deal. 

I panicked. My parents had a yard sale that day and i was convinced they got rid of our kittens. 

Actually they were just hiding together in a cabinet. 

So I took Gracie home and she got to meet Bruce... Who was by far the largest cat she had ever seen. 

Gracie was still afraid of my dog Ghia but she got over that...

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Gracie isn't one to play a lot...but when she does its kind of funny because she ends up scaring herself. 

She loves her Bruce I would always catch the two of them cuddling. 

She doesn't feel the same about the new addition to the family...more on that later. 

Gracie is very good at hiding usually when guest come over she zooms under the bed and stays there. Its taking her about five years to finally come greet people when they come in. 
But she has to know who they are. And she will come out and do her Gracie yell, flick her tail and walk away. 

She loves to cuddle. She doesn't always do it right...remember I told you she drools... she also likes to nurse on my hand. Why...I have no idea. its something she has always done. And I will be drives me nuts! Mostly because she claws me while she is doing it.

Are you getting the idea that my animals are weird yet? No?
Stay tuned...

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! 

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