Saturday, May 25, 2019


Happy Saturday!

Boy yesterday was a busy day, after work we had to rush to go get our engagement pictures done.
Had fun doing that.
Picked up my wedding ring.
Had to get food naturally because we apparently die with out it. 
Got home was watching our current show and went to bed!

So today we are going to talk about my dog Abbey. AKA Abadon. (IF you watch supernatural you will get that reference) 

I found Abbey through a rescue. The awful story she came with was her in her sister (My parents adopted her) from Georgia where they were left at an auto shop.
They had their tails cut, and I don't think it was done professionally. When I got her it was just healing up finally but the lady I got her from was telling me how bad it looked. 
I really tried to look tough but I think I started crying  little when she told me. 

I had lost my dog of 15 years about six months before I got Abbey. I looked for dogs for months. But I was seriously hoping someone would have gotten me a puppy (old relationship)
But I had to take it upon myself to get her. 
I remember asking "Hey are you sure you are ok with me getting this dog?"
He told me I guess. But I heard Yes.

So on March 19th, 2016 I took this picture...

Yeah it was a bad picture but I was in the back seat of my parents car while my dad was driving... 
scary stuff. 

The lady told me she was Boxer mix. 
I don't know where the boxer is but I don't thing its with Abbey...
But if you look at her sister she kind of has markings like a boxer would. 

Her name is Mazi AKA Mazikeen (IF you watch Lucifer you would get that reference)

It doesn't really matter to me what kind of puppy she was. 

I will admit this though... (please forgive me)
I tried to not get a Pit bull.
Where I live that's all you see. 
It honestly had nothing to do with the fact that *I * think they are mean dogs because I know better than that. 
I just didn't want to deal with people telling me that she would grow up to be a mean dog. 
(I am working on that whole not caring what other people think thing) 
I mean they were right...she is super vicious.. 

I mean you should really fear your life...

I know these pictures are hard to look at because she is so scary...


Ha-ha but honestly I am so happy I got her, not because she is a Pitt but because she is my Abbey.
She is always up for cuddles next to me and she is just a good girl.
A brat most of the time...
but still a good girl. 

The only thing I wish I could change about her...
Her fear of rain/thunder storms. 
We live in Florida....those happen a lot during the summers. 
She is a wreck the whole time. 

The brat is demanding my attention now so I will end this for now. 
Next we talk about Crowley....

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