Sunday, May 26, 2019


Good Afternoon 
I am little late today... I have had a very busy morning.
BUT never fear I am here!

So today we are going to talk about Crowley. Aka Crowley-Bug AKA Bug-bug
No I don't know why i started calling him Bug-bug but I did it ever since he was a puppy.

Day of adoption is April 30th 2018

He is a weird mix of possible Boxer, Pitt Bull, and Bull Mastiff. 

I call him a chocolate Bull Pixer.

First note how tiny he was...
I picked him because he was the darkest of the puppies. I knew I was going to name him Crowley....again if know Supernatural you would get the reference.

I also thought he was the quiet one of the group...I was very wrong. 
He is very vocal. 
especially at 2 am. 
I figured he would have out grown the whole needing to go outside 32 times at night...However... He did not. 
So every night around two he whines and whines and whines until I let him about. 
Its super fun

But he makes me laugh. He is the doofiest goof ball in the whole world. 

He hates bread...I gave him a pig in a blanket once... it took him 3 minutes to eat it. 

I loved taking these dogs to the park. But since Crowley is probably close to 90lbs and Abbey pulls like she is 90lbs I am not able to do it by myself anymore. 

But I am working on that. 

The only problem with big dogs... they don't seem to know they are big..

He loves to cuddle.

He also doesn't like his butt to touch the tile... even if it means to sitting on his sister...

He loves playing dress up

Like I said...He is a goof. 

But he is my goof!

Until next time!

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Relatable Entertainment

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