Monday, May 27, 2019


Good morning!

Happy Memorial day. 
Thank you for all that served. 

Today we are going to talk about Evie.
But...public service announcement first...
I know someone of you are having some issues with Blogger, (commenting or seeing pictures)
This site is still a learning experience for me... 
However I am really going to focusing on my Facebook page 
So as long as you liked that you will be see all the good stuff. 

I am just using this for any long rambles. so you don't have to read it on facebook because I know sometimes that can be challenging. 

if anyone has any recommendations or what they would prefer...Go comment on my facebook page and let me know! 

This is Evie (If you like Pokemon and know the character Eevee you would get this reference...are you catching on the nerd factor me and my fiance have?)
Date of adoption:
Feb 20, 2019

There is a Petsuper Market place in our town that we went to... to get cookies for the dogs. 

Evie...who was named Dutchess
was sitting in a cage all by herself. 

This is when I learned that my Fiance can not go into pet places (that have pets) by himself. 

Originally are plan when we got together was eventually he would bring his cat home to meet my gang. but she bonded with his dads cat and we didn't want to take them apart. Trust me Papa Reed is taking care of those cats probably better than his kids hahaha just kidding..kinda?

So here was Evie (yep we are totally ignoring the Dutchess name)

in a cage all by herself and on her sign said that would be best adopted with her friend (cant remember that name..)
Chris felt terrible about leaving this little kitten alone. He tried to get papa Reed to adopt her but he didn't think his cats would get a long with her. 

So I caved, I mean I already promised that we would bring his cat over so what would have been the difference. 

having two fluffy cats I couldn't get over how tiny she was!

It took her a while to warm up to me and now she treats me as if I am her servant... she is a true Daddy's girl...

She gets along with everyone ok, 
Bruce doesn't mind her. I think his thought process is...Oh great another one. 
But he isn't mean to her. 

Gracie however...
For some reason I really thought they would get a long great...
But gracie likes to use her fowl language at Evie most of the time.

Sometimes Evie can get close to her without Gracie realizing it...Which is hilarious when she does notice Evie there. 

I hope they get over whatever feud they have going on. 
But at least they tolerate each other. 

I guess now I should end this so I can plug in my charger and get ready to take the dogs to the park...

Wish me luck...

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