Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Rambles of a Reed (ALMOST!!!)

44 44 days I will be getting married!
I am so excited but I am not going to lie...Planning this thing has been overwhelming. 

I have a lot on my mind and usually when I write it helps... so you get to suffer...I mean enjoy what goes on in my head!

First I want to tell you all a little story about my recent adventure to the park...
Monday I decided it was a good day to go take the dogs, try to get them wedding ready.
in short....

dog fail GIF

So the full story....
Was walking them all fine and dandy... well not really but I had a plan. I was going to start taking them down my road one at a time. I even told myself don't worry about what the neighbors think they are all stupid anyways. 

It was working out well, every time a person crossed our path I would move over to the side of the path and hold still. It worked. Sure my evil hell hound protectors wanted to play with the strangers but whatever. 
Not the point. 

I don't know why I expected the same thing to work with a dog situation but it didn't.
I pulled them to the side of the path and then noticed the guy was walking a dog that looked like lassie. 
(I would say the breed name but I bet almost everyone knows what dog I am talking about)
I squat down so I could get a better grip on my dogs. Or at least Crowley because he is like I said 90lbs at least. 
Well I realize that this might be a mistake but it didn't really occur to me until i was being pulled through the dirt face first towards this dog. 
You would think...YOU WOULD THINK the guy would make more of an effort to move out of the way instead of just standing there looking stupid...

Well I mean I guess I would be shocked to if someone was just pulled from about seven feet away in a matter of seconds. 

Then his dog started getting aggressive. Apparently Lassie didn't like the Hell Hounds in her face. 
So now I am trying to stand up and get the dogs away from this dog...the guy still standing there. 
I don't really know how I did it but I managed to pull them a way...while I was still sort of on the ground. 

He starts to walk away and just says "sorry" 

Even though he didn't ask if I was ok... I was...was sore the next day... felt like I was pulled by dogs. 

This is moments after the fall... THEY DONT EVEN CARE! 
ps NO I dont try to act like my dogs are service dogs to take them into the store. They came with the harness and i just thought they were funny. 

I am telling you this embarrassing story because I am HOPING that if I laugh about it... I wont be so embarrassed. 

So as of now the dogs are uninvited to the wedding. 

I finally spoke to the DJ about wedding stuff...
Each task I try to conquer I get more overwhelmed. 
I never really planned a wedding before. 
The last wedding I helped plan was a very simple backyard wedding. 
And the last time I was in a big wedding was my cousins...about 14 years ago?
And I just assumed you gave the DJ a list...

Its an App.

With a video on how to use the app (Thank god!)

The good news that made me happy is we got our engagement pictures done.
I know seems a little late to do that but I have had a lot of issues with people canceling on me. 
it finally happened!

Image may contain: 2 people, including Chris Reed, people standing, people sitting, sunglasses and outdoor

We did an Alice in wonderland theme. 

The photographer was awesome!
If you are on facebook and live in Florida (Although i do believe she travels)
Check her out! 

J.Rayne Photography

I guess that's enough rambles for one day.
The animals are insisting I feed them...

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