Sunday, July 7, 2019

Random Reed Review: Boxy Charm June

Good morning!
I hope everyone had a safe 4th.
My dogs were crazy!!! I felt so bad for them. I have never seen Crowley so scared.

AND THEY KEEP LETTING OF FIREWORKS! I get it...they are fun...if you are into that sort of thing. But can we please keep the dog anxiety to one day...not drawn out?!

Any who... I decided to pretend to be a girly girl these past few days...weeks...months...whatever.

It all started because I decided I was going to try to do my own make up for the wedding (6DAYS!)

Why? Because I am stubborn. Why pay someone if I can do it myself! Besides I seen how much makeup Makeup artists use.... I dont care how much you spend on your make up there is no reason you have to use every single thing you own!

I also worried that I wouldn't look like me...

Even though I can be hard on myself, I still want my future husband (Seriously guys 6 days) to still recognize the person walking down the aisle.

So I set out on a youtube tutorial adventure... Youtube is the best thing in the whole world.
I found some ideas, got some information and went to work.

HOWEVER.... I still have zero ideas on what the heck make up really is. I mean I know the basics and I understand what the lovely ladies are saying in the videos. Got it. But when it comes to buying it...Makeup Aisles get SUPER overwhelming to me.

I always tell myself just look at one thing at a time.... And I don't know if its all the lights or the fact that those aisle are narrow but I start freaking out.

I stick to what I know, and what I know happens to be the cheaper options. I use E.L.F
I have had no problems with their products in fact even as I expand on the other stuff I still use my E.L.F stuff.

I don't care for their Eye shadows though...


So I decided I was going to try one of those makeup subscriptions....There's a subscription box for everything!

I looked at a few and decided I was going to try Boxy Charm.

My reason...1.) because I liked the name.  2.) Most of the other ones are just samples these are full products. 3.) I liked the box...

I didn't say my reasons were valid. They are just my reasons lol.

I did it. I signed up. Will I be a member for long? Meh we will see. Right now I can afford the extra 20.00 out of my paycheck for something silly like makeup. I mean most of the wedding stuff is all paid for so... why not!

But basically its 21.00 per month for 5 full size items. I guess there are three items everyone gets and then the other two are based on your options you picked when you did their beauty quiz.
the contents of the box ends up being worth about $100.00...
Now I don't know about you... but I am not going to start spending 100.00 a month on makeup...21...maybe...100..NO.
So its a good value and it forces you to try new brands. Brands...honestly I have never heard of but for someone who has tunnel vision and goes straight to the E.L.F section that isn't saying much.
Lets dive in my June box. Yes I know its July, but... I got my June box on July 2nd and my July box on July 5th...
I think my next one will be more spaced out and actually arrive august 5th... so you get two reviews this month and then I will get on a better schedule lol.

So I guess each month has a theme. This month is *Getaway*.
I havent tried all the products and I will explain why...

First lets talk about the lip gloss...

In case you cant read upside down (sorry I was excited when I got the box...I need to pay attention more when I take pictures)
This from Dominque Cosmetics/ Lemonade Lipgloss
MSRP: 17.00

It doesn't taste like lemonade first of all... yes I tried it... its not like lipsmackers at all! HAHA.
But it does smell like it. 
I don't really know how to review makeup so hopefully you will at least find this amusing. 
It is pretty though. I plan on using this more often. Again maybe not enough to spend 17.00 on it if I run out but... who knows!

This cool eyes shadow...palette? Thats what they call these things right?
I was very impressed with its packaging. 
Its by is Tarte? 
MSRP: 36.00
I have been using it...I promise it didn't come all dusty.
Again as far as me not knowing what I am talking about I think this eye shadow looks really nice on and its natural looking colors which I tend to stick with for the most part. 
but my favorite thing...It smells good...HAHA yes... you read that read. I dont know what it smells like but its a nice little surprise when I am getting ready in the morning and I open up this thing.
I really like using these colors however...I would not pay 36.00 for them. I am hoping I get another palette thing with different colors from Tarte, I might buy that if I like it. 
my reason...there isn't anything that this does that my covergirl 7.00 palette doesn't do. 
besides smell good. :D

I have tried the Steve Laurant Jelly Highlighter which I never used highlighter before so this is a new experience for me. 
It looks nice, I like it. 
the MSRP: 26.00
I haven't tried a "cheap" version so I am not sure how to review this. 
I will say I hope this lasts a while...

Now for the two products I didn't try (Well sort of...)

The Touch in Sol No Poreblem prim essence 
MSRP 23.00 
I use primer, if you guessed its by E.L.F you would be correct. 
This stuff is way different than any primer I have seen. I opened the package to squirt some out....its like water!
I dont know why that freaked me out but it did. It also smells like a really strong floral perfume. Didn't care for that. 

and last...
Purlisse Match Green Tea Antioxidant sheet mask

MSRP 24.00 (WHY?)

I don't like masks like this... 
Anything that goes over my full face freaks me out.
Its a stupid fear... I know. 
But it stems from watching Man in the iron mask when I was a kid and for some reason that really freaked me out. 
I have tried doing a mask like this before...
I lasted a minute before I yanked it off. 
I will try again... 
but not right now lol. 

So there you have it! A non-makeup pro's review of pretty makeup!
I hope you enjoyed!
I will let you what I think about the July box in another blog. 
This one has gone on long enough. And if you are still here by the end... THANKS!

Remember if you haven't liked my Facebook page go do that! 
If you have liked it make sure your friends know about it! Either share it on your page or invite your friends!

Its not just about dogs and cats...that's why we are RANDOM! lol

I am also on instagram if you prefer that social media location


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