Tuesday, July 16, 2019


So its official! 
We got married!

I cant wait to show you more pictures!

Our wedding day was amazing!

I still can't believe it happened.

I wanted to tell everything before it becomes a blur.

We stayed the night before at the Deland Hotel. It was really nice, full of history...

very elegant. 

It was a small room so it was tricky for a lot of people to get ready. Since it was me, my mom, my sister, my friend, my niece... then the photographer and the photographers son...It got crowded quickly. 
But we managed. Everyone got ready in perfect time. 

My mom, dad, and sister set up the park where we were getting married. 

Cassadaga is my favorite place in the world... I am sure people still have no idea why even though thats where I got married. But it has always been special to me. 
Its even more special. 
Chris proposed to me there and we got married there. 

They did an amazing job setting up the park. I was going for simple yet elegant and they delivered. 
I wish it was a cooler day, but....

The week before it was saying there was a 50% chance of rain...ALL DAY.
But it didn't rain! 
I know people say its good luck if it rains on your wedding... 
Well I usually believe the opposite of superstitions

I mean... We met on friday the 13th during a new moon... 

I was prepared for the rain if it happened but it didn't so that was great. 

However it was really hot. 
And dont worry most of my guests made sure to remind me how hot it was. 
The ceremony seemed long but I think it was just because we were both nervous about standing up in front of people. 
The ceremony was definitely unique,
the officiant we had basically wrote our love story as our ceremony. 
We had to answer questions together and separately. The ones we did separately we didn't even know if we had the same questions. 

I cant wait to watch it...in nice air conditioning lol. 
WE didn't really have a rehearsal so it was kind of wing it most of the day. it worked out. 
after the ceremony we were doing our pictures and headed to the venue. 

Thats when my anxiety brain kicked in and had no idea what the heck I was supposed to do. 
I was getting nervous and upset because everyone looked incredibly bored. 
I was also getting upset that my best friend wasnt there. She lives in another state and wasn't able to come. Life happens. 
I decided I needed a margarita (not just my friend margarita but a drink lol)
We did our first dance which was hard to do because... again... one thing we share in common is we are not fond of being center of attention. The song felt long. But I was so happy to be dancing with my HUSBAND it didn't bother me too much 

We were finally getting dinner and then the awkward toast thing was happening. 
We didn't have a bridal party so we werent sure how that was going to happen. 
My best friend came through for me. Even in a different state. Via Facebook messenger and a willing person to read it, I got my speech. 
That made me so happy. 

I guess the only complaint I have is we werent able to do that back to back picture we promised we would do... 
I guess we will have to figure something else out lol. 

The dinner we were so excited for didn't turn out as good as we thought it would be. 
When we tried it during the tasting it was presented to us a little differently. And I think it sitting as a buffet dried it out a little bit. So I picked at a little bit and ended up not eating much. 
it was a leaning cake...
IT wasn't supposed to lean...
But everyone thought it as supposed to since it was a mad hatter cake lol. 

It was good though...
Again not as good as the tasting...
But it looked cool. 

We had to start dancing....
This was something I was dreading. Again not really an outgoing person. Don't like being the center of attention...but if you saw me last night you wouldn't know that. 
Thank god for my 4 year old niece. Princess Lily -Bean. I can't post pictures of her per her parents request but just picture the cutest version of me and that is my niece. 
and she danced all night long. 
And I did my best to keep up with her. 
I felt it the next day! LOL
She gave me courage to be goofy I didn't care that I was a spaz. I was dancing with a four year old. 

And i wouldn't have had it any other way. 

The DJ was impressed with my Niece. He gave her a round of applause. 
He also said I was a cool bride.... I'd like to think that he doesn't tell that to everyone he meets but it was nice to hear. 

I was surrounded my friends and family all there wanting to see my big day. And even though it was hot outside and it was a long drive out there they were there for me. 
I got to do my father daughter dance the way I always dreamed of
My dad got to walk me down the aisle. 
(I promise he was happy, He was concentrating on what he was supposed to do!)

I danced with my brother to our song. 
I danced with my mom and sister to ours.
It was a great night. 
I am married to literally the best person in the world. 

It all seems like a dream. Thankfully I have hundreds of pictures to look at to remind me that it wasn't a dream.
Did stuff happen the way I thought it should? No, not really. 
But was it the best day of my life.

So even though I haven't officially changed my name yet (That process got delayed unfortunately.)
I am still happy to announce...

I am Casey Julia Reed and I am married to my best friend and we are going to have an EPIC life! 

Credit to the awesome photographer...

1 comment:

vicki said...

Was a Beautiful day for a Beautiful couple. As a Mom so many memories rush through your brain. People say when you die your life flashes before your eyes, but it also does that maybe a little different when your baby gets married. Casey you have always been a joy to your Dad and I. Hey you're my favorite youngest daughter LOL You deserve all the happiness in the world and I know Chris will do everything in his power to grant that for you. You are a caring loving person and I know you will do everything in your power to grant him the same. Love you and Dad and I send wishes for a Happy Life your way. And you are right IT WAS HOT!! xxxxxxxxoooooooo

Relatable Entertainment

It’s late and I can’t sleep again. Mostly because on nights like this, nights before I make a video the creative side of my brain is on fire...