Sunday, February 2, 2020

Pregnant woman rant

Good morning all.

I got up this morning and told myself my list of things to do today.

But I have to keep taking breaks or I will "over do it" as I am told. So I decided to distract myself with typing up this blog post.

Since I never really thought that I would be pregnant, since it wasn't until I met Chris that I decided I wanted kids.... I never really thought about the things pregnant people have to go through.

I gained weight before I got pregnant which annoyed the living day lights out of me. And I was told "what will you do if you get pregnant, you know you get bigger right?"
Yes but its different. At least so I thought. I never dreamed that people would body shame someone who is pregnant.

Whenever I would see a pregnant person I never had this urge to go up to them and tell them how big they are or ask them if they were having twins.

Even if I was the type of person to go up to someone randomly and just start talking to them.

Chris and I make jokes sometimes to each other about seeing another pregnant woman, he will say something like "look she is smuggling a watermelon too."
Maybe thats wrong too but he says it more to make me feel better about being "huge"

By the way before I continue on with this rant let me just say that my doctor says that my size is the right size for my current term.

So suck it!

any ways...

The other thing that annoys me is when people say "oh its because you are pregnant"

Yes my body has changed and my emotions are all over the place.

But guess what, news flash... I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AN EMOTIONAL BASKET CASE!

But it's nice to have something else to blame lol.

I have always been hard on myself when it comes to what I think about myself.
I am trying to work on that, but it is difficult...and it doesn't help when you have people saying hurtful things, even if they don't mean to.

You know what though, not everyone is like that. Some people are actually pretty cool and I am trying to focus on them.... I know it doesn't seem that way since I am ranting about the bad.

Like yesterday, my mom and I went out for lunch. We had to wait for a table. There was no where to sit and wait but I didn't mind standing for a few minutes anyways. But as soon as this gentleman saw that I was pregnant he jumped up and offered me his spot on the bench. I declined because I am not that person, he was there first he gets the spot. But it was nice of him to offer it.

He didn't say anything about me being huge or say I needed to rest because I am pregnant... it was just a nice gesture. That's all it takes. One nice gesture to make things better.

My advice.... you know since everyone wants to give me advice now... the tables have turned I AM GIVING THE ADVICE NOW...

My advice, if you see a pregnant woman and even if you have this urge to go up to them, touch their belly because it is so cool that they have life growing inside of them...Dont.
Even if you have this urge to go up and tell them how big they are and how big and "healthy" the baby is going to be....Dont.
Even she is crying her eyes out and eating chocolate, and you want to tell her that is not healthy for the baby...Dont...Chances are that is why she is crying but the baby doesnt like fruit and veggies and makes mommy's tummy hurt something awful when she tries to eat healthy....or she just was called huge and now she wants to eat her emotions....just...DONT

If you feel you have to say something at all just because that is the type of person you are, stick with you look lovely or congrats on the baby. (be 100% sure she is pregnant before you say this) Or...Just offer your spot so she can sit down. Just...basically pretend you are human being for one moment of your life.

Even though dealing with all these new emotions and body changes it is still so cool to feel her kick me.
I can be totally drained and crying because I feel like I am failing at everything because I was too tired to do the soon as she moves or just kicks a little I am reminded...oh yeah....I am growing a human. She is going to be awesome and I can't wait to meet her... and give her the list of names of people who upset me so she can avenge my honor. :)

Thank you for reading and now I am off to finish my never ending to do list. :)

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