Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Labor during COVID-19...

Hello blog world

I'm currently sitting in the hospital next to my baby (actually when I post this I'll be home but right now…)

This corona virus is nuts. 

I thought maybe you would like to know how this has affected my delivery. 

My journey started Friday night march 27th.

When I thought my bladder was just completely bonkers. 

Saturday morning came along and I decided I needed to go to the hospital just to make sure I was ok.

I get to the hospital and it looked like the scene from ET.

People were set up by the doors to check people in

Shout out to all the staff dealing with these new changes.

They are doing a good job in trying to keep things structured..   I don't like most of their rules… but I understand. 

So once I got inside I think I went through the normal routine. 
.guess what my bladder wasn't bonkers my water broke… 11 days early.

I'm not going to get into all the details of my labor and what not here. 

I will say that it was a long few days.

So the rules that bug me but I do understand…
Limited visitors… basically most hospitals are only allowing one person, obviously it was my husband. 

He was allowed to leave and enter the hospital but each time he entered he was screened. 

Now the part that doesn't make sense to me but again… it's not the nurses or doctors fault. But unfortunately because my water broke so early and for so long before delivery we both had to be on antibiotics. 
So my new baby had to be in NICU. We could visit when we wanted…. Just not together. So we had to swap.

I really want some one to explain to me how this makes sense.

It really frustrated me that this was the case and no one really could explain to me why this made sense

It was difficult not to take my frustrations out on the nurses but again… I Know it's not their fault. 

The other thing that bothered me was the fact that it didn't seem to matter how much of the random staff was allowed in…
Including the Chaplin… 
Not bashing any religious beliefs or anything but to me that didn't seem like an essential person that had to be in the room with me and my daughter. 

Hopefully we will be home soon in our own safe bubble. 

 So over this place… as nice as they have been I'd like to get my own routine started in the comfort of my home.

Plus I feel like my baby girl is going to get a fear of masks…. 

I have a hard time dealing with the nurses with things on their faces… imagine how scary that might be for a baby! 

Be safe everyone. 

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