Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Good morning

Today would have been my due date.

However miss Alice decided she wanted to be a March baby instead of an April baby.

Hey ya gotta love a kid that knows what she wants even before she is born.

The day before I went into labor I worked on the nursery. Some might argue this is what caused me to go into early labor but I really didn't do anything to crazy..

It still wasnt done...still isnt 100% done but its about 98% done so I figured I would share.

Before I start showing you pictures of my hard work let me first start by explaining... yes I went on pinterest and looked for lots of ideas of the perfect Nursery.

You wont find my nursery in a pinterest post. It took me a while to realize that sometimes the world isnt Pinterest perfect. I really liked the ones I was seeing but with out dropping a bunch of money I didn't really have I wasnt going to achieve one of those rooms.

But that is ok. Because Alice isn't Pinterest perfect..She is Reed perfect.

I hated when people asked me what the theme of the room was. There is really no theme. I tried doing the Alice in Wonderland but i wanted it to be subtle.

I also am not a huge fan of the color pink

SO the colors I picked were teal and gray. Because why not lol.

As I finished hanging up some things last night I stood back and admired my work.

Is it how I pictured it in my head? No. not really. Is it usable. Yeah. Chris and I have a pretty good system so far. If it doesnt work... we fix it. And I dont have to worry about the expensive dohicky getting ruined by explosive poop.

so here is Alice's first room.

The rocking chair is something really special to me, its not the most comfortable but it was my Aunt's and this way I can have a part of her while on this new journey of mine.  My dad recovered it for me so now it matches my room.

My friend made that sign for the baby shower, and for the nursery. :)

This is a sign I made for her, I saw this quote on a picture at Hobby Lobby but it had some weird horn thing on it and it wouldn't look right in my room. So what does Casey do? She goes on Amazon and finds the stencil with the same quote. BOOM! 

I kept seeing on pinterest "in this house" and a bunch of nerd statements... I decided to make my own. Taking the things that we like and making it. Is it perfect? Nope. But it works. Just another reminder for Alice that her parents are complete nerds. 

The crib was my nieces and my brother came over and helped me put it together... by help I mean he did all the work and I supervised HAHA.

My Niece made this for Alice. She did such an awesome job on it. Unfortunately because of social distancing and what not I dont have it yet. But this is something I plan on keeping forever anyways so no worries on when I am getting it.  

The sparkle thing is kind of an inside joke, Chris says he likes buying me things that make me sparkle.
Most of the time its food HAHA. 

This corner has some other special items.
Top shelf a Peter Pan book, but this book is not something you can just go buy... well i mean you can but inside my best friend wrote little notes to Alice and gave us some translations on some of the words haha.
Second shelf is a stuffed bunny. I had one just like that when I was a little girl, in fact I still have it...
but its not in the best shape and might give you nightmares if i showed it to you. I bought this one years ago. Honestly to fix my old bunny... I never thought I would accidentally save it for my daughter someday.
Next to the bunny is a jar of hearts... not real hearts we keep those in the kitchen. These are the hearts from my baby shower. Everyone held one and made a wish for me and Alice.
On the last shelf is Alice's first toy from her grandma, a winnie the pooh toy. And the R2D2 of course is from her Daddy. Because... well we have to turn her to the nerd side as soon as possible. Chris and I wont know what to do with ourselves if we have a daughter who likes sports or something (Totally kidding we will let her do sports if that is what she wants... we just wont know what to do with that hahah)

Will it win any better home and garden awards? Probably not. Is it a great space for Alice to experience. Yes. It has the perfect combination of pretty and nerdy because that is how we roll in the Reed home.

Hope everyone is having a great day and enjoyed my post :)

The princess is about to wake up so I have to tend to her needs.

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