Monday, December 14, 2020

Random Story #4

 This one is a collective randomness of when my niece and I were kids. 

My niece is a year younger than me so we grew up together. 

Back in the days where we had to play outside. No matter what the weather was like. If it was sunny (in Florida) We played in the yard. If it was raining we played in the screened in porch. If it was dinner time we ate outside of the screened in porch while our parents ate in there. 

I am starting to realize our parents just didnt want us around them. HA. 

Anyways... My niece and I had crazy imaginations. We always invented these weird games to play. Almost all of them invovled us getting into an argument because we would get stuck on who had more powers, or who was stronger...faster...smarter...prettier...blah blah blah you get the point. 

Well one night we were convinced the sky was brains. It was a cloudy day and the clouds just looked like a giant brain to us. It didn't help the spooky factor that it was also summer which "heat" lighting was apparently a thing. We had ourselves so freaked out that we begged...literally begged our parents if we could come inside because we were scared. 

The reluctantly let us in. 

Another time we scared ourselves stupid was, during one night we were outside playing, we wandered into the front yard...this is weird because we werent allowed to play by the cars so I am not sure how we managed that but we were there. Well by one of the cars was a pile of blankets (maybe?) and we were convinced it was a dead body. We kept daring each other to go look closer. Neither one of us would move. We stood frozen there in the driveway for hours (Ok maybe it was more like five minutes) Crying for someone to save us when eventually my brother moved the blankets and told us we were dumb. 

We also used to ride our bikes a lot. We would go around the block and go inside tell our moms we were ok and go ride around again...go inside tell our moms we were all right and go out get the idea. well  as we were riding we saw a snake crossing the road. I lived out in a swampy area so this wasnt an unusual thing. Well we didnt want to get bitten obviously so we turned around to go back.... but we got a little ways down the road and there was another snake... except it was bigger... We stood in the middle of the road because we thought we were going to die. We finally got the courage to try to go back the other way because we figured the snake would be gone, and it was but man it was still scary. We went right back into my yard and stayed there. It was a while before we went back on our bikes again. 

The last scary story was when we were riding our bikes again and the house behind mine had three big dogs. They were always outside behind the fence so we never really had to worry about them. Until one day one of them decided he wanted to chase us. He jumped on his dog house jumped over his fence and started going after us. We peddled so hard that day. I was of course slower because I didnt get the banana seat bike which was obviously the faster bike so I basically almost died that day (Not really.) I screamed at the dogs to go away and apparently I speak dog because he listened. Or just got tired of chasing us. EIther way we tried to avoid going past that house after that....

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