Thursday, May 23, 2019


In honor of the day I adopted Bruce... here is an introduction to my oldest Fur kids. 
Bruce...AKA Brucetopher James was found in the park 8 years ago today (May 23rd) 

He wasn't my first pet, I had a dog as well. But I was in a new relationship and moved out of my parents house. I couldn't take my dog (At first). 

I went to a park one day no particular reason just to have something to do. 

As I walking I hear a noise, I didn't know what it was but when i looked down I jumped. 

Fun fact about Casey, I am easily startled. 

This cat came out of no where. He was crying and following me. I couldn't believe how skinny he was. His tail was bald in random spots. his noise was all scabbed up. There was nothing cute about this kitten. 

Looking back now I can't believe I just picked him up not knowing anything about this cat or what could be wrong with him. 

But that's what I did I picked him up and took him home. My goal was to get him cleaned up and take him to the pound. 

8 Years later and he is still with me. HAHA. 

That first day was a lot of flea baths. A lot. He let me do it though. However now if I tried to give him a bath he would kill me with his laser eyes...

Did I mention he has laser eyes? I mean... I have never seen him use them.... But if anyone had laser eyes it would be Bruce. 

So when I adopted him, he was a tiny malnourished cat. 

Now...he is a 30lb Mainecoon. 

Yes this is me standing at 5'2 holding this crazy cat.
Was he thrilled about it? No.
Did this picture have to happen.

Bruce was a little trouble maker when he was a kitten. Now he really wants to be a trouble maker but he is also too lazy to do anything.

I have so many pictures I will overwhelm you but for right now I am just going to share a few. 
When he was small he would hang out in the sink while I was getting ready for work...
We tried to recreate the picture when he was older...he was not impressed.
I am only slightly ashamed to admit how often I get this look... 

Bruce has always been my favorite animal to dress up. He usually takes it like a boss... This was one of my favorite outfits on him....
Wait? *you* don't dress up your cats? HA! You don't know what you are missing!

So in the beginning Bruce was a troublemaker right. Well it got to the point where when I would buy something new I had three questions.
1.) Can I afford it?
2.) Do I *Need* it?
3.) Can Bruce destroy it? *Puts item back*

As a joke (sort of) my mom found this book "How to talk to your cat" I didn't get the chance to even read the silly thing. I came home to find this on my kitchen floor.....

Guess Bruce didn't want me to learn the secrets of the cat. 

The great thing about Bruce is when I tell stories about him and how bratty he can be people think I am lying. Because when they come to my house and they see this enormous cat that I have talked about he runs up to them and starts rubbing on them and licking them.... 
"Oh he is so sweet" They will say...
"Its a trick..." I warn.
"Oh maybe he just likes me better..." 

Once they start coming around more often and the newness wears off Bruce starts acting like himself...People just don't understand it. 


Anyways I am pretty sure I could spend all day talking about my fat cat Bruce but I will leave this post here and pick up on another day. 

Stay tuned for more interesting content. Right now I am just trying to get this thing started and figure out what I am doing here! Hopefully we all enjoy!

Have a wonderful day and Happy Birthday to Bruce! 


Casey said...

Casey here, just trying to make sure the comments work :)

vicki said...

Bruce is the master of the cat universe!!

Relatable Entertainment

It’s late and I can’t sleep again. Mostly because on nights like this, nights before I make a video the creative side of my brain is on fire...