Saturday, July 20, 2019

July Boxy Charm Review

Happy Saturday. 
I have been Happily married for a week now!
Yeah... I am fully aware of how annoying I am...
I also don't care!

But we are not here to talk about my happy married self. 
We are here to talk about makeup!

First I want to say I did do my own makeup for my wedding. And I think I did a pretty good job! 
And I actually used some of the stuff from my July Boxy Charm box!

{I had to pose with a different lipstick because mine was on the other side of the room. }

Which is why I wanted to wait to do a review...

Lets talk about what is in here...

*Elemis Superfood Vital Mask 
MSRP 35.00 

This stuff was pretty awesome. It smells amazing and it made my face feel so fresh! 
I think 35.00 is high for a face mask but... Its a nice "treat your self" mask. So Yes I will use it, however not on the regular because... well I will be sad when this is gone HAHA. 

*Butter London Natural Goddess Eyeshadow. 
MSRP: 32.00

This palette is really pretty. I did play around with some of the colors. 
I don't know if I am just eyeshadow stupid or something but to me this just isn't worth the 32.00 
I was impressed with the package itself and of course the names are really awesome. I mean who wouldn't want to wear an eyeshadow called enchantress?!
I was also very amused with the name Butter London. 
Butter? who thought that was a good idea for a makeup line? 
I liked that I got this in my box, but no I wouldn't buy it. 

*Luxie Gaea 3 piece brush set
MSRP: 30.00

They are make up brushes.. 
I didn't think they worked any better than my 10.00 ones which I got like 5 brushes with...
I did use them and will use them since I have them.
But would I buy them? No. 

*Ofra Liquid lip
MSRP: $20.00

I like this a lot actually....
 *Sorry Margarita if you are reading this...*
I bought some other lipstick at Ulta for my wedding. But when I tried this stuff I liked it better. 
My husband is kind of weird (Like how I casually put in husband lol) about lipstick/lipgloss or even chapstick. So i usually dont wear it... 
Hey if something is going to get in the way of me getting kisses you can just forget about it. 
So I was actually stressing over this for my wedding day but when I tried this stuff, it didn't leave my lips feeling greasy or sticky and it didn't come off easily. 
It lasts me a while through out a regular day. And I am the type of person that licks my lips and chews my lips when I am nervous. So the fact that this lasted through all that and the million kisses I gave my husband on our wedding day... 
Yes... Yes I would buy this brand again. 
It does make my lips feel a little dry when I first put it on. But that might just be me.

and last in my Boxy Charm Box for the month of July was..

*PUR PRO Eyelash curler. 
MSRP: 18.00
I hate these things. I have one I tried using the stupid thing and I just don't see the point. Maybe I really don't need it or maybe I am doing it wrong (I really don't think I am.. I watched youtube videos... so clearly I am a pro) 
I dd try this one thinking...maybe my cheap one just doesn't have what it takes to actually work...
besides the fact that it is pretty colors...this thing did nothing for me.

If you like it...That's cool. You can have mine lol. 
but no I wouldn't pay 18.00 for this thing. 

So overall this Box was pretty useful. 
I am so glad that it came before my wedding. 

Well that was my review of July's Boxy Charm. 
Hope you enjoyed it!
If you did...Make sure you share all of the things!
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Tuesday, July 16, 2019


So its official! 
We got married!

I cant wait to show you more pictures!

Our wedding day was amazing!

I still can't believe it happened.

I wanted to tell everything before it becomes a blur.

We stayed the night before at the Deland Hotel. It was really nice, full of history...

very elegant. 

It was a small room so it was tricky for a lot of people to get ready. Since it was me, my mom, my sister, my friend, my niece... then the photographer and the photographers son...It got crowded quickly. 
But we managed. Everyone got ready in perfect time. 

My mom, dad, and sister set up the park where we were getting married. 

Cassadaga is my favorite place in the world... I am sure people still have no idea why even though thats where I got married. But it has always been special to me. 
Its even more special. 
Chris proposed to me there and we got married there. 

They did an amazing job setting up the park. I was going for simple yet elegant and they delivered. 
I wish it was a cooler day, but....

The week before it was saying there was a 50% chance of rain...ALL DAY.
But it didn't rain! 
I know people say its good luck if it rains on your wedding... 
Well I usually believe the opposite of superstitions

I mean... We met on friday the 13th during a new moon... 

I was prepared for the rain if it happened but it didn't so that was great. 

However it was really hot. 
And dont worry most of my guests made sure to remind me how hot it was. 
The ceremony seemed long but I think it was just because we were both nervous about standing up in front of people. 
The ceremony was definitely unique,
the officiant we had basically wrote our love story as our ceremony. 
We had to answer questions together and separately. The ones we did separately we didn't even know if we had the same questions. 

I cant wait to watch nice air conditioning lol. 
WE didn't really have a rehearsal so it was kind of wing it most of the day. it worked out. 
after the ceremony we were doing our pictures and headed to the venue. 

Thats when my anxiety brain kicked in and had no idea what the heck I was supposed to do. 
I was getting nervous and upset because everyone looked incredibly bored. 
I was also getting upset that my best friend wasnt there. She lives in another state and wasn't able to come. Life happens. 
I decided I needed a margarita (not just my friend margarita but a drink lol)
We did our first dance which was hard to do because... again... one thing we share in common is we are not fond of being center of attention. The song felt long. But I was so happy to be dancing with my HUSBAND it didn't bother me too much 

We were finally getting dinner and then the awkward toast thing was happening. 
We didn't have a bridal party so we werent sure how that was going to happen. 
My best friend came through for me. Even in a different state. Via Facebook messenger and a willing person to read it, I got my speech. 
That made me so happy. 

I guess the only complaint I have is we werent able to do that back to back picture we promised we would do... 
I guess we will have to figure something else out lol. 

The dinner we were so excited for didn't turn out as good as we thought it would be. 
When we tried it during the tasting it was presented to us a little differently. And I think it sitting as a buffet dried it out a little bit. So I picked at a little bit and ended up not eating much. 
it was a leaning cake...
IT wasn't supposed to lean...
But everyone thought it as supposed to since it was a mad hatter cake lol. 

It was good though...
Again not as good as the tasting...
But it looked cool. 

We had to start dancing....
This was something I was dreading. Again not really an outgoing person. Don't like being the center of attention...but if you saw me last night you wouldn't know that. 
Thank god for my 4 year old niece. Princess Lily -Bean. I can't post pictures of her per her parents request but just picture the cutest version of me and that is my niece. 
and she danced all night long. 
And I did my best to keep up with her. 
I felt it the next day! LOL
She gave me courage to be goofy I didn't care that I was a spaz. I was dancing with a four year old. 

And i wouldn't have had it any other way. 

The DJ was impressed with my Niece. He gave her a round of applause. 
He also said I was a cool bride.... I'd like to think that he doesn't tell that to everyone he meets but it was nice to hear. 

I was surrounded my friends and family all there wanting to see my big day. And even though it was hot outside and it was a long drive out there they were there for me. 
I got to do my father daughter dance the way I always dreamed of
My dad got to walk me down the aisle. 
(I promise he was happy, He was concentrating on what he was supposed to do!)

I danced with my brother to our song. 
I danced with my mom and sister to ours.
It was a great night. 
I am married to literally the best person in the world. 

It all seems like a dream. Thankfully I have hundreds of pictures to look at to remind me that it wasn't a dream.
Did stuff happen the way I thought it should? No, not really. 
But was it the best day of my life.

So even though I haven't officially changed my name yet (That process got delayed unfortunately.)
I am still happy to announce...

I am Casey Julia Reed and I am married to my best friend and we are going to have an EPIC life! 

Credit to the awesome photographer...

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Random Reed Review: Boxy Charm June

Good morning!
I hope everyone had a safe 4th.
My dogs were crazy!!! I felt so bad for them. I have never seen Crowley so scared.

AND THEY KEEP LETTING OF FIREWORKS! I get it...they are fun...if you are into that sort of thing. But can we please keep the dog anxiety to one day...not drawn out?!

Any who... I decided to pretend to be a girly girl these past few days...weeks...months...whatever.

It all started because I decided I was going to try to do my own make up for the wedding (6DAYS!)

Why? Because I am stubborn. Why pay someone if I can do it myself! Besides I seen how much makeup Makeup artists use.... I dont care how much you spend on your make up there is no reason you have to use every single thing you own!

I also worried that I wouldn't look like me...

Even though I can be hard on myself, I still want my future husband (Seriously guys 6 days) to still recognize the person walking down the aisle.

So I set out on a youtube tutorial adventure... Youtube is the best thing in the whole world.
I found some ideas, got some information and went to work.

HOWEVER.... I still have zero ideas on what the heck make up really is. I mean I know the basics and I understand what the lovely ladies are saying in the videos. Got it. But when it comes to buying it...Makeup Aisles get SUPER overwhelming to me.

I always tell myself just look at one thing at a time.... And I don't know if its all the lights or the fact that those aisle are narrow but I start freaking out.

I stick to what I know, and what I know happens to be the cheaper options. I use E.L.F
I have had no problems with their products in fact even as I expand on the other stuff I still use my E.L.F stuff.

I don't care for their Eye shadows though...


So I decided I was going to try one of those makeup subscriptions....There's a subscription box for everything!

I looked at a few and decided I was going to try Boxy Charm.

My reason...1.) because I liked the name.  2.) Most of the other ones are just samples these are full products. 3.) I liked the box...

I didn't say my reasons were valid. They are just my reasons lol.

I did it. I signed up. Will I be a member for long? Meh we will see. Right now I can afford the extra 20.00 out of my paycheck for something silly like makeup. I mean most of the wedding stuff is all paid for so... why not!

But basically its 21.00 per month for 5 full size items. I guess there are three items everyone gets and then the other two are based on your options you picked when you did their beauty quiz.
the contents of the box ends up being worth about $100.00...
Now I don't know about you... but I am not going to start spending 100.00 a month on makeup...21...maybe...100..NO.
So its a good value and it forces you to try new brands. Brands...honestly I have never heard of but for someone who has tunnel vision and goes straight to the E.L.F section that isn't saying much.
Lets dive in my June box. Yes I know its July, but... I got my June box on July 2nd and my July box on July 5th...
I think my next one will be more spaced out and actually arrive august 5th... so you get two reviews this month and then I will get on a better schedule lol.

So I guess each month has a theme. This month is *Getaway*.
I havent tried all the products and I will explain why...

First lets talk about the lip gloss...

In case you cant read upside down (sorry I was excited when I got the box...I need to pay attention more when I take pictures)
This from Dominque Cosmetics/ Lemonade Lipgloss
MSRP: 17.00

It doesn't taste like lemonade first of all... yes I tried it... its not like lipsmackers at all! HAHA.
But it does smell like it. 
I don't really know how to review makeup so hopefully you will at least find this amusing. 
It is pretty though. I plan on using this more often. Again maybe not enough to spend 17.00 on it if I run out but... who knows!

This cool eyes shadow...palette? Thats what they call these things right?
I was very impressed with its packaging. 
Its by is Tarte? 
MSRP: 36.00
I have been using it...I promise it didn't come all dusty.
Again as far as me not knowing what I am talking about I think this eye shadow looks really nice on and its natural looking colors which I tend to stick with for the most part. 
but my favorite thing...It smells good...HAHA yes... you read that read. I dont know what it smells like but its a nice little surprise when I am getting ready in the morning and I open up this thing.
I really like using these colors however...I would not pay 36.00 for them. I am hoping I get another palette thing with different colors from Tarte, I might buy that if I like it. 
my reason...there isn't anything that this does that my covergirl 7.00 palette doesn't do. 
besides smell good. :D

I have tried the Steve Laurant Jelly Highlighter which I never used highlighter before so this is a new experience for me. 
It looks nice, I like it. 
the MSRP: 26.00
I haven't tried a "cheap" version so I am not sure how to review this. 
I will say I hope this lasts a while...

Now for the two products I didn't try (Well sort of...)

The Touch in Sol No Poreblem prim essence 
MSRP 23.00 
I use primer, if you guessed its by E.L.F you would be correct. 
This stuff is way different than any primer I have seen. I opened the package to squirt some out....its like water!
I dont know why that freaked me out but it did. It also smells like a really strong floral perfume. Didn't care for that. 

and last...
Purlisse Match Green Tea Antioxidant sheet mask

MSRP 24.00 (WHY?)

I don't like masks like this... 
Anything that goes over my full face freaks me out.
Its a stupid fear... I know. 
But it stems from watching Man in the iron mask when I was a kid and for some reason that really freaked me out. 
I have tried doing a mask like this before...
I lasted a minute before I yanked it off. 
I will try again... 
but not right now lol. 

So there you have it! A non-makeup pro's review of pretty makeup!
I hope you enjoyed!
I will let you what I think about the July box in another blog. 
This one has gone on long enough. And if you are still here by the end... THANKS!

Remember if you haven't liked my Facebook page go do that! 
If you have liked it make sure your friends know about it! Either share it on your page or invite your friends!

Its not just about dogs and cats...that's why we are RANDOM! lol

I am also on instagram if you prefer that social media location


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy 4th of July

Good morning Every one... unless I dont get this done before I have to leave... good afternoon and good evening!
But mostly Happy 4th of July!

Today is also the one year anniversary of when I met my soon to be Husband (OMG).... or at least when we started talking.

The 4th of July use to be my all time favorite. For someone who jumps at the toaster when it pops it was still my favorite.

My brother always put on an awesome firework show when I was a kid. Me and my niece would spend days after talking about it. Pretending that we had our own fire works (Or imaginations were really brilliant... once we pretended my swing set was an egg... yeah I dont know..) We would pretend that they would transform into ponies and dragons.

Every 4th of July we would hope we had enough rain to be able to let off fire works but not enough rain that it would stop us from having a good night.

As I got older it started to lose its magic as most things do when we grow up.
One year stands out the most.
It was the last 4th of July I would spend with my big sister Melissa. She battled with cancer and even though she put up a good fight it still won.

I remember that summer, it was the first summer my best friend was going to come visit me when I lived in New York. School had ended (New York ends in June) I was complaining that I had to go to summer school to redo a history class I didn't pass. Me being me I was freaking out. I never been to summer school before. I felt like a complete failure. But Melissa coached me through my worries as she always did. "It will be over before you know it" She told me.

Here she was battling this evil disease and she was coaching me!

She passed in August.

The point of this... isn't to make you sad...

The point is life is short. Dont let stupid things like summer school or a bad day at work get you down.

July 4th has always been a dark day for me. I didn't want to ever do anything because I still held on to the sadness that I didn't have my sister.
Dont get me wrong. I am crying as I type this. I miss her and I wish every day she was here.

But She wouldn't want me to stop my life.

Last year, July 3rd to be exact was the last day of my bad luck streak. Although that particular day I was worried about something else that made me feel like I wasn't going to be loved...

I still decided to open my online dating app and browse through the list of singles.

I actually opened it to delete the app if I am being honest. But as if fate had something to do with it the first picture that popped up was a guy in my area. Cute. no kids ( A rare thing anymore)
Most of the guys that would pop up on this app were usually hours away. So it was odd that he was in my town.

I read his profile, it made me laugh. I sent the message.

He asked me to go out to a local pub for a drink... Remember this was the 4th of July. I was already in my pj's eating chocolate ice cream and watching 13 going on 30. Because thats what I do when I want to remember the good times with my sister.

I told him no, and I even told him why. The next day I was kicking myself for saying no.
I was worried that he wouldn't want to talk to me after that.

I was wrong.

He waited.

Then I got sick...stupid flu.

I cried because I was worried that this perfect person was just barely in my reach and I was going to screw it up because I was sick and I said no to drinks.

He waited.

July 13th he decided he wasn't going to wait anymore. He demanded (In the nicest way possible lol) that he was going to see me. He was going to bring me coffee at work... I freaked out. No way was I going to let the people I work with meet him before I really got to.
So we hatched a plan. We were going to meet at this park near by and he told me to bring my dogs.

This was very important to me on so many levels.
1.) I really dont like eating in front of people especially when I am nervous.
2.) I honestly feel bad for guys always having to pay for dates.
3.) Parks are my favorite.

We talked for hours... I think I didn't end up going home until 1am. This is super unusual for me.
at around 9 my mom called me because I hadn't called her that day. Yes I answered it.

My best friend kept texting me to make sure I was alright. This was my first (and thankfully my last) first date with online dating.

It was a great night.

But back to the 4th.

Today I don't feel the darkness I usually feel on this day. I 100% owe that to Chris.

I cant wait to be Mrs. Reed


Happy 4th of July everyone. ENJOY

Relatable Entertainment

It’s late and I can’t sleep again. Mostly because on nights like this, nights before I make a video the creative side of my brain is on fire...