Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Rambles of a Reed (ALMOST!!!)

44 44 days I will be getting married!
I am so excited but I am not going to lie...Planning this thing has been overwhelming. 

I have a lot on my mind and usually when I write it helps... so you get to suffer...I mean enjoy what goes on in my head!

First I want to tell you all a little story about my recent adventure to the park...
Monday I decided it was a good day to go take the dogs, try to get them wedding ready.
in short....

dog fail GIF

So the full story....
Was walking them all fine and dandy... well not really but I had a plan. I was going to start taking them down my road one at a time. I even told myself don't worry about what the neighbors think they are all stupid anyways. 

It was working out well, every time a person crossed our path I would move over to the side of the path and hold still. It worked. Sure my evil hell hound protectors wanted to play with the strangers but whatever. 
Not the point. 

I don't know why I expected the same thing to work with a dog situation but it didn't.
I pulled them to the side of the path and then noticed the guy was walking a dog that looked like lassie. 
(I would say the breed name but I bet almost everyone knows what dog I am talking about)
I squat down so I could get a better grip on my dogs. Or at least Crowley because he is like I said 90lbs at least. 
Well I realize that this might be a mistake but it didn't really occur to me until i was being pulled through the dirt face first towards this dog. 
You would think...YOU WOULD THINK the guy would make more of an effort to move out of the way instead of just standing there looking stupid...

Well I mean I guess I would be shocked to if someone was just pulled from about seven feet away in a matter of seconds. 

Then his dog started getting aggressive. Apparently Lassie didn't like the Hell Hounds in her face. 
So now I am trying to stand up and get the dogs away from this dog...the guy still standing there. 
I don't really know how I did it but I managed to pull them a way...while I was still sort of on the ground. 

He starts to walk away and just says "sorry" 

Even though he didn't ask if I was ok... I was...was sore the next day... felt like I was pulled by dogs. 

This is moments after the fall... THEY DONT EVEN CARE! 
ps NO I dont try to act like my dogs are service dogs to take them into the store. They came with the harness and i just thought they were funny. 

I am telling you this embarrassing story because I am HOPING that if I laugh about it... I wont be so embarrassed. 

So as of now the dogs are uninvited to the wedding. 

I finally spoke to the DJ about wedding stuff...
Each task I try to conquer I get more overwhelmed. 
I never really planned a wedding before. 
The last wedding I helped plan was a very simple backyard wedding. 
And the last time I was in a big wedding was my cousins...about 14 years ago?
And I just assumed you gave the DJ a list...

Its an App.

With a video on how to use the app (Thank god!)

The good news that made me happy is we got our engagement pictures done.
I know seems a little late to do that but I have had a lot of issues with people canceling on me. 
it finally happened!

Image may contain: 2 people, including Chris Reed, people standing, people sitting, sunglasses and outdoor

We did an Alice in wonderland theme. 

The photographer was awesome!
If you are on facebook and live in Florida (Although i do believe she travels)
Check her out! 

J.Rayne Photography

I guess that's enough rambles for one day.
The animals are insisting I feed them...

Monday, May 27, 2019


Good morning!

Happy Memorial day. 
Thank you for all that served. 

Today we are going to talk about Evie.
But...public service announcement first...
I know someone of you are having some issues with Blogger, (commenting or seeing pictures)
This site is still a learning experience for me... 
However I am really going to focusing on my Facebook page 
So as long as you liked that you will be see all the good stuff. 

I am just using this for any long rambles. so you don't have to read it on facebook because I know sometimes that can be challenging. 

if anyone has any recommendations or what they would prefer...Go comment on my facebook page and let me know! 

This is Evie (If you like Pokemon and know the character Eevee you would get this reference...are you catching on the nerd factor me and my fiance have?)
Date of adoption:
Feb 20, 2019

There is a Petsuper Market place in our town that we went to... to get cookies for the dogs. 

Evie...who was named Dutchess
was sitting in a cage all by herself. 

This is when I learned that my Fiance can not go into pet places (that have pets) by himself. 

Originally are plan when we got together was eventually he would bring his cat home to meet my gang. but she bonded with his dads cat and we didn't want to take them apart. Trust me Papa Reed is taking care of those cats probably better than his kids hahaha just kidding..kinda?

So here was Evie (yep we are totally ignoring the Dutchess name)

in a cage all by herself and on her sign said that would be best adopted with her friend (cant remember that name..)
Chris felt terrible about leaving this little kitten alone. He tried to get papa Reed to adopt her but he didn't think his cats would get a long with her. 

So I caved, I mean I already promised that we would bring his cat over so what would have been the difference. 

having two fluffy cats I couldn't get over how tiny she was!

It took her a while to warm up to me and now she treats me as if I am her servant... she is a true Daddy's girl...

She gets along with everyone ok, 
Bruce doesn't mind her. I think his thought process is...Oh great another one. 
But he isn't mean to her. 

Gracie however...
For some reason I really thought they would get a long great...
But gracie likes to use her fowl language at Evie most of the time.

Sometimes Evie can get close to her without Gracie realizing it...Which is hilarious when she does notice Evie there. 

I hope they get over whatever feud they have going on. 
But at least they tolerate each other. 

I guess now I should end this so I can plug in my charger and get ready to take the dogs to the park...

Wish me luck...

Sunday, May 26, 2019


Good Afternoon 
I am little late today... I have had a very busy morning.
BUT never fear I am here!

So today we are going to talk about Crowley. Aka Crowley-Bug AKA Bug-bug
No I don't know why i started calling him Bug-bug but I did it ever since he was a puppy.

Day of adoption is April 30th 2018

He is a weird mix of possible Boxer, Pitt Bull, and Bull Mastiff. 

I call him a chocolate Bull Pixer.

First note how tiny he was...
I picked him because he was the darkest of the puppies. I knew I was going to name him Crowley....again if know Supernatural you would get the reference.

I also thought he was the quiet one of the group...I was very wrong. 
He is very vocal. 
especially at 2 am. 
I figured he would have out grown the whole needing to go outside 32 times at night...However... He did not. 
So every night around two he whines and whines and whines until I let him about. 
Its super fun

But he makes me laugh. He is the doofiest goof ball in the whole world. 

He hates bread...I gave him a pig in a blanket once... it took him 3 minutes to eat it. 

I loved taking these dogs to the park. But since Crowley is probably close to 90lbs and Abbey pulls like she is 90lbs I am not able to do it by myself anymore. 

But I am working on that. 

The only problem with big dogs... they don't seem to know they are big..

He loves to cuddle.

He also doesn't like his butt to touch the tile... even if it means to sitting on his sister...

He loves playing dress up

Like I said...He is a goof. 

But he is my goof!

Until next time!

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Happy Saturday!

Boy yesterday was a busy day, after work we had to rush to go get our engagement pictures done.
Had fun doing that.
Picked up my wedding ring.
Had to get food naturally because we apparently die with out it. 
Got home was watching our current show and went to bed!

So today we are going to talk about my dog Abbey. AKA Abadon. (IF you watch supernatural you will get that reference) 

I found Abbey through a rescue. The awful story she came with was her in her sister (My parents adopted her) from Georgia where they were left at an auto shop.
They had their tails cut, and I don't think it was done professionally. When I got her it was just healing up finally but the lady I got her from was telling me how bad it looked. 
I really tried to look tough but I think I started crying  little when she told me. 

I had lost my dog of 15 years about six months before I got Abbey. I looked for dogs for months. But I was seriously hoping someone would have gotten me a puppy (old relationship)
But I had to take it upon myself to get her. 
I remember asking "Hey are you sure you are ok with me getting this dog?"
He told me I guess. But I heard Yes.

So on March 19th, 2016 I took this picture...

Yeah it was a bad picture but I was in the back seat of my parents car while my dad was driving... 
scary stuff. 

The lady told me she was Boxer mix. 
I don't know where the boxer is but I don't thing its with Abbey...
But if you look at her sister she kind of has markings like a boxer would. 

Her name is Mazi AKA Mazikeen (IF you watch Lucifer you would get that reference)

It doesn't really matter to me what kind of puppy she was. 

I will admit this though... (please forgive me)
I tried to not get a Pit bull.
Where I live that's all you see. 
It honestly had nothing to do with the fact that *I * think they are mean dogs because I know better than that. 
I just didn't want to deal with people telling me that she would grow up to be a mean dog. 
(I am working on that whole not caring what other people think thing) 
I mean they were right...she is super vicious.. 

I mean you should really fear your life...

I know these pictures are hard to look at because she is so scary...


Ha-ha but honestly I am so happy I got her, not because she is a Pitt but because she is my Abbey.
She is always up for cuddles next to me and she is just a good girl.
A brat most of the time...
but still a good girl. 

The only thing I wish I could change about her...
Her fear of rain/thunder storms. 
We live in Florida....those happen a lot during the summers. 
She is a wreck the whole time. 

The brat is demanding my attention now so I will end this for now. 
Next we talk about Crowley....

Friday, May 24, 2019


Good morning! 

As part of my adventure for new habits and goals I have been waking up early. 
Like...4:30 early. I don't usually roll out of bed until about 5:30 but its been an interesting little experiment. 

My fiance started a job where he has to wake up stupid early so we have been going to bed early. I figured why not...

Why not? Because Casey doesn't usually like mornings... 
But I have been getting better. 

So the reason we are here this morning is to continue on the introductions to my lovely fur kids. 
I am doing this by order I adopted them. 

Next up is Gracie! 

Adoption date: April 27, 2012

She is hard to get cute pictures of because she is the very definition of a scaredy cat 
When she isn't hiding or being scared of literally everything she is...well usually she is drooling...

I didn't know cats drooled (I mean i guess I should have known that my dogs have been saying it for years...Cats drool dogs rule...haha...its 5:44 people these are the jokes)

Gracie was actually from a liter of kittens my moms cat had. Zoey Or Princess Zowelda. 
That cat hated me...she was originally my cat but...she liked mom better...BUT ANYWAYS. 

I had no intentions of getting a cat. At the time I already had Bruce and my old dog Ghia. I didnt really need another animal and I was told I couldn't have another animal. (Old relationship)

I don't think of myself as a selfish person...however...I don't like being told I cant do something especially when I am not given a good reason...

Every time I would visit my mom she would tell me "your kitten is looking for you" Of course she wanted me to take the cat because she needed to get rid of the kittens. 

But I would go see the kittens because...well they are cute duh. And Gracie would always come out from whatever she was doing to come greet me. She has her own special Gracie yell where its like a meow but she makes it longer and louder. I hope to get it on video for you one day...

 I tried to convince myself that she did that to everyone that walked in but my mom said, "Nope just when you walk in" 

No photo description available.

So... I took her home. Well... that is actually a funny story too. See my friend also took one of the kittens as well, her name is Maggie (The cat not the friend haha) The day we went to pick them up we couldn't find the kittens. 
just the two we were looking for. The other ones were hanging out like no big deal. 

I panicked. My parents had a yard sale that day and i was convinced they got rid of our kittens. 

Actually they were just hiding together in a cabinet. 

So I took Gracie home and she got to meet Bruce... Who was by far the largest cat she had ever seen. 

Gracie was still afraid of my dog Ghia but she got over that...

No photo description available.

Gracie isn't one to play a lot...but when she does its kind of funny because she ends up scaring herself. 

She loves her Bruce I would always catch the two of them cuddling. 

She doesn't feel the same about the new addition to the family...more on that later. 

Gracie is very good at hiding usually when guest come over she zooms under the bed and stays there. Its taking her about five years to finally come greet people when they come in. 
But she has to know who they are. And she will come out and do her Gracie yell, flick her tail and walk away. 

She loves to cuddle. She doesn't always do it right...remember I told you she drools... she also likes to nurse on my hand. Why...I have no idea. its something she has always done. And I will be drives me nuts! Mostly because she claws me while she is doing it.

Are you getting the idea that my animals are weird yet? No?
Stay tuned...

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! 

Thursday, May 23, 2019


In honor of the day I adopted Bruce... here is an introduction to my oldest Fur kids. 
Bruce...AKA Brucetopher James was found in the park 8 years ago today (May 23rd) 

He wasn't my first pet, I had a dog as well. But I was in a new relationship and moved out of my parents house. I couldn't take my dog (At first). 

I went to a park one day no particular reason just to have something to do. 

As I walking I hear a noise, I didn't know what it was but when i looked down I jumped. 

Fun fact about Casey, I am easily startled. 

This cat came out of no where. He was crying and following me. I couldn't believe how skinny he was. His tail was bald in random spots. his noise was all scabbed up. There was nothing cute about this kitten. 

Looking back now I can't believe I just picked him up not knowing anything about this cat or what could be wrong with him. 

But that's what I did I picked him up and took him home. My goal was to get him cleaned up and take him to the pound. 

8 Years later and he is still with me. HAHA. 

That first day was a lot of flea baths. A lot. He let me do it though. However now if I tried to give him a bath he would kill me with his laser eyes...

Did I mention he has laser eyes? I mean... I have never seen him use them.... But if anyone had laser eyes it would be Bruce. 

So when I adopted him, he was a tiny malnourished cat. 

Now...he is a 30lb Mainecoon. 

Yes this is me standing at 5'2 holding this crazy cat.
Was he thrilled about it? No.
Did this picture have to happen.

Bruce was a little trouble maker when he was a kitten. Now he really wants to be a trouble maker but he is also too lazy to do anything.

I have so many pictures I will overwhelm you but for right now I am just going to share a few. 
When he was small he would hang out in the sink while I was getting ready for work...
We tried to recreate the picture when he was older...he was not impressed.
I am only slightly ashamed to admit how often I get this look... 

Bruce has always been my favorite animal to dress up. He usually takes it like a boss... This was one of my favorite outfits on him....
Wait? *you* don't dress up your cats? HA! You don't know what you are missing!

So in the beginning Bruce was a troublemaker right. Well it got to the point where when I would buy something new I had three questions.
1.) Can I afford it?
2.) Do I *Need* it?
3.) Can Bruce destroy it? *Puts item back*

As a joke (sort of) my mom found this book "How to talk to your cat" I didn't get the chance to even read the silly thing. I came home to find this on my kitchen floor.....

Guess Bruce didn't want me to learn the secrets of the cat. 

The great thing about Bruce is when I tell stories about him and how bratty he can be people think I am lying. Because when they come to my house and they see this enormous cat that I have talked about he runs up to them and starts rubbing on them and licking them.... 
"Oh he is so sweet" They will say...
"Its a trick..." I warn.
"Oh maybe he just likes me better..." 

Once they start coming around more often and the newness wears off Bruce starts acting like himself...People just don't understand it. 


Anyways I am pretty sure I could spend all day talking about my fat cat Bruce but I will leave this post here and pick up on another day. 

Stay tuned for more interesting content. Right now I am just trying to get this thing started and figure out what I am doing here! Hopefully we all enjoy!

Have a wonderful day and Happy Birthday to Bruce! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Crazy Idea

Allow me to introduce myself for those who don't have any idea who I am.
I am Casey,  and what does that mean exactly? 

Well I will tell you.

I am currently 29 years old and this is my year. 
I have two dogs and three cats. (don't worry this blog is going to be dedicated to them you will learn all about all of my fur-kids)
I am the youngest of 5.
I am a writer. 
and I am a soon to be wife (51 days.)

Now why are you here?

Well I am currently inspired to be my best self. My best self is someone who is creative and funny. So...if I can create something that will make you laugh...or even smirk I would be super happy about that. 

I also want to share my crazy animals with the world. Did anyone ask for that to be a thing? it going to happen anyways. YUP!

Having 2 dogs and 3 cats makes my life interesting. They all have such silly personalities that I have to share them. 

But I also have other things I want to share with you. Maybe its a story about how my neighbor almost had a mean girls moment and almost drove in front of a bus (no accident happened but it was kind of like watching Karma unfold itself...and it made me smile...)
or maybe its going to be a story how I over came a moment of anxiety while in a grocery store. 

This blog is going to be random but I hope its entertaining. 

Stick around! 

The next few posts will be an introduction to my animals. 

Prepare for cute animal pictures (AND VIDEOS)
Below is pre 3rd cat but the only picture (So far) of most of my animals in one picture... quick introduction..
Cat on the cat tree: Gracie
Cat in the flannel: Bruce
White dog: Abbey
Black Dog: Crowley 
Cat in its own picture: Evie

Relatable Entertainment

It’s late and I can’t sleep again. Mostly because on nights like this, nights before I make a video the creative side of my brain is on fire...